
The Subconscious Mind Programming – Where Does It Come From?

Many people who already have knowledge that their subconscious mind is controlling what they are experiencing in life are still puzzled when it comes to changing their subconscious programming.

They have learned that by thinking good thoughts they Read more

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What Is The Best Valentine Gift For Men?

When we think about gift for Valentine’s Day we are always thinking “women” and that’s great for us ladies, but what about men? What about if we were thinking about our men for this year Valentine’s day this time Read more

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5 Fundamental Steps To Submit A Great Article

Before you are going to be able to submit your article and for our article brings you positive results, which means  a lot or readers and ultimately some profit, you need to actually write the article.  Here Read more

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Learn The French Language by Dropping the Traditional Way and Learning French

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember to have ever met someone who really mastered a foreign language that they had learned solely in school.  Back in the days I remember how my Spanish and English Read more

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Snow Fall Covered Paris, France This December 2010

Huge snowfall on Paris today paralyzed the whole city.  The snow that came down on the capital city of France, today, was one like none other in decades. Everything was shut down from the Eiffel Tower to the Read more

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The Secret of Writing Articles About Any Subject Fast

Have you always thought that you need to know a subject like the back of your hand in order to be able to write about it?  If this is what you have been thinking, you probably have limited Read more

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Christmas Eve in France

Are you planning on going to spend a magical Christmas in Paris, France? At this time of the years, the city of light is getting dressed with the most beautiful Christmas lights you’d ever seen, and the city Read more

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3 Tips to Write Killer Articles

In the internet nowadays the competition is too great to be able to afford to write mediocre copies.  It doesn’t matter that you are writing articles, emails, ads, blog posts or anything else you may think of.  Read more

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Why should you be using a vision board and what kind of vision board works better?

There are many terms associated with vision board such as manifesting map, goal map, visual wish list and may be other terms you might have heard. In the end they are all speaking about the same thing which is Read more

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How to Influence People With Your Written Words

For some reasons the word “influencing” might sound like a negative word for many people.  This is due to the fact that people use this skill for selfish reasons to make people do what they want them to Read more

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What Is Good Content For Your Article?

Very few internet marketer teachers are teaching how to write persuasive articles.  What is more emphasized on is good content, valuable content, etc…  But really what is valuable content?

This a good question because valuable content can Read more

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Persuasive Article Marketing – Discover What Makes Perfect Articles

What is persuasive article marketing?  Simply stated it’s being able to persuade your readers to do what the article is meant to lead them to do.  But, it is also more than that.

Persuasive article marketing is Read more

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What Are The Advantages of Guest Blogging

For those who are not familiar with guest blogging let me first explain in a few words what it is.  Guest blogging is basically an exchange of content from one blogger to another.  The “guest” will write Read more

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Persuasive Article Marketing – What Are the Three Different Article Types?

What we call article marketing is a general term which means writing articles in order to promote products or services.  However, most people out there do not understand that there are several different ways to write articles depending Read more

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Are You Ready To Attract What You Want?

When the movie the secret first came out many people rushed to watch this DVD movie … But then what? Yes, all through the movie it was mentioned that the law of attraction was something easy to implement and Read more

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