This week I am pleased to have my friend Sue Price from Australia as a guest writer for this post. Sue has had a succession of successful businesses.
She has worked pretty close to Robert Kiyosaki as the CEO of the company he partnered with to promote his business in Australia and New Zealand. Sue has been involved in personal development for over many years. Without further ado, here is Sue Prices guest post for today.
I believe Personal Development is central to living a successful life. This goes for all areas of our life which includes business, financial, relationships, health and spiritual.
If you have a business either traditional or a home based one you will enjoy greater success if you involve yourself in personal development.
What is Personal Development?
Wikipedia has a long definition that will send you to sleep so let’s go with mine.
Personal development is about you growing as a person and becoming a conscious human being. It is about taking responsibility for the outcomes in your life. It is about developing a mindset and beliefs that support you.
So what has this got to do with business? A lot!
Personal Development and Business
Being a business owner is not a walk in the park. It is a lot of work and takes courage, discipline, persistence and a whole range of other skills and character traits.
Most people are employees before they go into business. Anyone that has transitioned from employee to business owner knows that a whole new mindset is necessary.
There are ups and downs, successes and failures along the way. No one has a clear sailing path to success in a business. You need to develop a mindset and skills to support you in the challenges you will face along the way.
Personal Development and Successful People
If we look at the top income earners for network marketing or internet marketing businesses it is difficult to find someone who does not attribute their success to personal development. Mindset development is most often cited by this group as the most important factor to their success.
Most of these people have daily habits of listening to audios and reading. They understand the law of attraction and the importance of good thinking.
Of course skills development is important but I never hear these people crediting their skills as their number one reason to their achievement. Success always leaves clues.
What is the best way to approach Personal Development?
This is an individual thing really and I am not sure there is a “best or right” way. Personal development comes in many formats that include:
- Workshops/seminars
- One on one sessions in all sorts of formats
- Books
- Movies/videos
- Audios
- Blogs – like the one you are on and Sylviane is an expert
There are many great teachers with videos on YouTube that you can watch. Just search Personal Development.
Personal Development and Team
You may have employees now or may in the future. It is important that they too are involved in personal development. It is a much more fulfilling experience to work with like-minded people; people who are on the same path to becoming more conscious as human beings.
There are many activities you can do with your team. Things like personality or other profiles help people understand each other. This can reduce conflicts and make the workplace so much more enjoyable.
In businesses I have owned we have often worked with an external coach to facilitate learning.
Personal Development as a way of Life
Personal Development is a way of life. It is ongoing and constant. When I attended my first Personal Development workshop many years ago I erroneously thought I would come out a new person and never have a negative thought again. I have no idea what possessed me to think like that but I did.
Consequently when I slipped I made myself wrong. I kept thinking there would be a time when I would “arrive”. There is no arriving. There is just a journey of becoming the most effective human being we can be.
Do not make the mistake I made and beat yourself up if you are having negative thoughts or feeling down. Recognise them for what they are and work to change them.
My final piece of advice is to be careful who you associate with. Surround yourself with people who support your dreams and vision, people who are also on a journey to live positive lives.
Hi Sue,
Great to see you here on Sylviane’s blog!
As you know, I’m addicted to Personal Development. And as you stated above, when you have a business, personal development is the key! Yes, all top earners will tell you that they have done a great deal when it comes to this.
I’ve been into it such a long time, and yes, it never ends. I believe that as growing and changing human beings, we hit some pitfalls that may need to be addressed and do have develop different techniques to practice (If the old ones aren’t working!)
If we own a business, we are the tool and seeing it from that perspective, that tool needs to be sharpened and kept shiny so it can work. Well, that’s how I see it!
You and Sylviane are experts on this so you know what I mean. I would urge anyone, especially in business to do whatever it takes to keep on growing. But I find the most successful way to do this is to hire a mentor or coach.
Donna Merrill invites you to read..Do You Blog Strictly Within Your Niche?
Hi Donna
I know you are like me and Sylviane and embrace personal development. It does become an addiction and I think it is one of the healthier addictions we can have.
I agree it never ends. I downloaded on my kindle Tony Robbins book Re-Awaken the Giant within. It is one he is giving away and he has condensed the original book into 130 pages or so. I read Awaken the Giant Within around 1990. I have read it several times but the funny thing is reading it again now is like I am reading it for the first time. I am in a different place than I was 20+ years ago.
Because you have owned businesses for a long time you of course understand the importance of personal development.
Thanks for your comment Donna.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Donna,
yes, indeed, any business owner needs to keep on developing mentally, and spiritually in my book, and I can’t see how one can have long term success without being involved in personal development.
Thank you for adding your input here 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Life – Part One
Hello Ms. Sue and Ms. Sylviane
Thank you Ms. Sue for this post that everyone should read and apply.
From my own experience Personal Development is a life long journey in self improvement. Personal Development affects every area of our life.
As a Certified Life Coach, we must keep up in our own Personal Growth in order to help others gain strength and confidence in who they are.
Thank you Ms. Sue for this post.
Gladys posted Create A Revolution In Your Life
Gladys invites you to read..Create A Revolution In Your Life
Hi Gladys
Personal Development sure is a life long journey. I cannot imagine living life on a path that did not include it.
Absolutely as a Life Coach you need to keep up your own growth. I know many people who are Life Coaches, councilors and facilitators of people making change in their life. Everyone I know is committed to their own growth.
Thanks for your comment here Gladys.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Gladys,
Yes, personal development is something we live with all throughout our life, because it never ends. This is one subject where we keep on learning forever.
Thank you for your input.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Life – Part One
I know I’m late, but I wanted to thank you for this great post, Sue, and for underlining the importance of personal development in business.
Nice having you as a guest writer 🙂
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Create Your Perfect Life – Part One
Hi Sylviane
I am honored that you asked me to be your guest. It is a topic I love and it is one that everyone building a business needs to understand.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
What a lovely surprise to see you here Sue at Sylviane’s place. What a great post and as you know a wonderful topic that I dearly love as well.
I was very ignorant of what personal development even was until I got in the online industry. That’s when my big wake up call came but boy am I ever glad. I know that so many people might think that it just consists of having a positive attitude but I’m here to say that’s definitely not the case. I’m one of the most positive people you’ll ever meet but I failed miserably when I first tried numerous things online.
It’s about the right way to think about things, it’s about believing in yourself that you can do it, it’s about knowing who you really are. You’re right, there is no one way to learn but a lot of times we stumble so much and don’t really realize why. I ended up working with a spiritual life coach many years ago now and it was the best investment I ever made. I’m so glad Sylviane does life coaching as well because sometimes we can’t see what the real issue is but having a coach can help us understand what the underlying issues really are.
I love everything you shared here and in all the different areas of how personal development is really the key to us having a successful business. No matter what we decide to do.
Thank you for sharing this Sue and it’s great to see you. You ladies have a wonderful rest of your week and I’ll see you both tomorrow.
Adrienne invites you to read..11 Essentials of Social Networking
Hi Adrienne,
I’m sure Sue will be coming here later, but in the m meantime I’ll reply to your comment.
You’re right, being positive and knowing about personal development are two different things. I know some positive people who are miles away from being successful because that’s not all there is. As you said, it’s about knowing yourself and understanding what makes you or doesn’t make you do certain things.
I’ve been interested in personal development materials since my mid 20’s but I really got deep into it only these past 7 1/2 years. It really changed my outlook in life 100%.
Thanks for your input Adrienne
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Adrienne
I was honored when Sylviane asked me to be guest here. As you know I am like you and love this topic.
I agree there are lot of people that think positive thinking is enough but as you an Sylviane have said it is not. In fact sometimes it can stop us from dealing with what is really going on.
I too have worked with spiritual like coaches and like you had enormous benefits.
When I was writing this post Adrienne I kept you in mind as being representative of a large percentage of the audience that this post is written to. People who like you had to totally adopt some new thinking to go from an employee to a business owner. It is a real switch and of course we all need support with things like that.
You are an wonderful example of someone who pushed through and is now a true inspiration to others.
Thanks for sharing your experience Adrienne and so sad we did not all catch up today.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue, and welcome to Sylviane 🙂
It sure is a pleasure to see you here, and with such a lovely post on personal developement. I think you and Sylviane, as well as Donna are real experts in this area, so we do get a lot to learn from all of you.
I liked the crips and nice definition you gave, unlike the one we have on Wikipedia! And I totally agree with you – you do need to have the skills of personal development when you are in a business, and for that matter in any sphere of life – it is SO important to keep growing and evolving as a better human, isn’t it?
I agree with your ways mentioned – not to mention that each person or moment of our life always teaches us something, provided we are willing learners. Life is the greatest teacher I’d say, and just as you mentioned in the end – developing your personal self is a journey, it takes time, so don’t think you’d start with it later – it does carry on.
Thanks for sharing these pearls of wisdom with us. Have a nice week ahead, both of you 🙂

Harleena Singh invites you to read..30 Top Men Bloggers of Aha!NOW
Hi Harleena,
Yes, personal development is a journey, it never stops, we only progress in our knowledge and understanding of things. The way I would express it is that personal development makes us grow and aware. It’s an eye opener and I love it. Couldn’t live without it.
I’m sure Sue will be coming by here to reply to your comment with her own words. Thank you for coming, Harleena.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Harleena
Thank you for your considering me an expert in this area. I never used to think of myself as that but that is the way people kept telling me they saw me.
Oh you should see the Wikipedia definition 🙂 It is hilarious. I think they combined a whole lot of definitions in there.
Yes it is so important to keep growing and evolving as a better human Harleena. I agree with that for sure.
And yes I agree with you that life is our greatest teacher if we are willing to learn from the lessons we encounter along our journey.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here Harleena. You have a great weekend.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue,
Awesome post. . . personal development is very important in business, before we teach others we had to develop some skills! many of my friends ask me why do I blog, I just say it’ll help me develop!
great post, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Hi Adithya,
I like your answer when people ask you why you blog. Many people of the off line world, so to speak, do not understand blogging and are often of a different mindset than those who work online
Thank you for sharing this.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Adithya
Thanks for your comment. Like Sylviane I love the answer you give to your friends on why you blog. Blogging does help us develop for sure.
Have a great day
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue and Sylviane,
That was a pleasant surprise 🙂
I agree with you Sue. Personal development is a way of life. Being committed to life-long learning, viewing everyone as your potential teacher, learning from your mistakes and those of others, they all contribute to shaping who we become.
It is important to keep our skills sharp and remain current because we change, and everything around us is in a state of flux.
When I look back on where I have come from and what I have experienced, I am very grateful for who I have become so far, with a view to even more growth.
Have a delightful day and weekend upcoming!
William Butler invites you to read..25 Traits Of Highly Successful People
Hi Bill,
While waiting for Sue I thought I’ll reply to your comment. It did jump to my eyes that you said that we learn not only from OUR mistakes, but that of OTHERS and that is so true. I’ve probably learned as much from my relatives mistakes than I have of my own, so we don’t have to keep making more mistakes.
Personal development helps us avoid those mistakes as well.
Thanks for coming.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Bill
Thanks for the warm welcome for me to Sylviane’s home.
I know you are a great believer of this subject Bill and I agree everyone we encounter on our journey is a potential teacher. Like Sylviane commented to you I so agree with learning from others mistakes as well as our own. To think we had to make them all ourselves would be awful. I think that is why we should share our own stories and others can learn.
I am like you when I look back at who I was was years back I smile at how far I have come. I have a friend who says to people she has known for many years “don’t hold me in the context you knew me back then” – this is when people try to say how she is by who she was many years back. I hope I am explaining this okay 🙂
Thanks for sharing here Bill and you too have a wonderful weekend.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
You have a wonderful guest post here.
Sue, loved it. Especially the last paragraph about thinking that somehow personal development has a graduation date.
This belief sets us up to remain in a state of constant resistance to being where we are at any given time. I feel that awareness comes in layers – and sometimes when we’ve uncovered aspects within ourselves that require attention, we expand our perspective.
We may come across these things again not because we’ve failed at healing them – but because there’s another layer we are ready to take a look at from the expanded perspective…if that makes sense.
I also love what you said about negative emotions. It’s true that we either deny them or beat ourselves up when we have them…but they’re around fro a reason as they always have something to tell us.
Beautiful post Sue.
Dana invites you to read..How to Deal When You’re in a Funk
Hi Dana,
I agree that personal development comes in layers as you say. How many times have I realized when I came across a topic later on for a second time, that I wasn’t ready for it when it came the first time around as if that thick layer was still there and thing could come through only when it was becoming thinner.
I’m sure Sue will be coming by as well. Thanks for your great input as always.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Dana
I am glad you like the post as you know I love your thoughts on this subject. The graduation date – yes that is a crazy one to believe but hey I did for years. Being kind to myself it was how personal development was promoted late 70s when I started. I am so happy that has changed.
I agree with you that awareness comes in layers. I have heard it is like peeling an onion. I am not sure how many layers there are in an onion 🙂
Yes having negative emotions is part of the deal. We are in human bodies. Back when I first started on this journey and believed I “would arrive” – I used to really give myself a hard time when I had a down day. But we grow and we learn.
Thanks for your contribution here Dana.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
Hi Sue and Sylviane,
Personal development, yes we are all a work in progress. A nice work environment can grow a business a lot better than just skills. Having had a bad work situation caused the business to fall apart and attitudes were awful. They lost a lot of great workers due to the constant conflict.
The one thing that taught me was if ever I have employees they will be valued and treated really well.
It would be great if we could just tell ourselves to wipe out those negative feelings, but they seem to always creep back in when we are at a low point. Having a new mindset is something I am constantly reminding myself to keep working at it. Definitely reading empowering books and blogs is a great way to keep it front and center. Great post.
Mary Stephenson invites you to read..Some People Should Never Be Allowed To Bring Potato Salad!
Hi Mary
I like the way you put it “we are a work in progress”. We sure are. I think sometimes it is good to remember how we used to be so we can appreciate how much we have grown.
I remember you commenting once before about an awful workplace you were in. I think given most people spend a lot of their time at work that is not good to be in a bad environment.
I have always promoted and encouraged positive work places whether I owned to business or just worked there. I agree the business must suffer in the long run.
Yes it would be good if we never had to contend with the negative thoughts or emotions again but we are human. I think as long as we are aware of them we can do a long way to changing them
Thanks for your contribution here Mary.
Have a nice weekend.
Sue Price invites you to read..Take Responsibility and Magic May Happen
This is truly a way of life.
“There is no arriving. There is just a journey of becoming the most effective human being we can be.”
I liked that a lot and I agree completely. Imagine how awesome it would be if they taught this stuff in school. Like what’s the point of learning everything if you’re mind won’t be set properly?
Sebastian invites you to read..The Snooze Button – Your Best Friend
Hi Sebastian
Thanks for your comment here. I so agree with you it would be awesome if we learned this stuff at school. I think it would also encourage children to understand the value of learning.
Here is to the journey 🙂
Have a great week.
Sue Price invites you to read..How to Get What You Want
Hi Sylviane,
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”
What he said is closely related to this topic and I deeply follow. Who we associate with, makes a huge difference on our self-image.
Thank you for sharing these nuggets of wisdom.
Kumar Gauraw invites you to read..5 Principles Of Ultimate Influence From Bob Burg
Hi Kumar,
Yes, part of your work in personal development is also avoiding people who are not positive or willing to work on themselves, and surrounding ourselves with more positive and wealthy people. When I say wealthy I don’t mean only financially but in every area of their lives.
I’m sure Sue will answer to your comment as well since this was her post.
Have a great week.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Kumar
I have heard that quote many times from different people now and I like you believe it to be true.
Yes if matters who we associate with. I also agree with the other side of this as Sylviane said we need to avoid negative people and the people we do not want to be like.
Have a great week Kumar and thanks for your comment here.
Sue Price invites you to read..How to Get What You Want
Hello Sue,
Its great that someone else is echoing what I have been saying everyday: “you cannot be greater than what you know!”
You see, when you develop yourself, a whole new world opens up to you. In that world, all hitherto impossible things become very possible!
I just wish more people recognized the magic in your words.
Do have a great day.
– Terungwa
Akaahan Terungwa invites you to read..THE SECRET OF GETTING WHATEVER YOU WANT: 5 TIPS THAT DON’T FAIL!
Hi Akaahan, and welcome to my blog.
I’m sure Sue will be coming to reply to your comment but in the meantime let me put my two cents in.
You are so right. We cannot achieve greater things than what we are now, that’s why in order to improve our life we need to grow. Very good point.
Thanks for coming.
Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..Why Personal Development is key to Your Business Success
Hi Akaahan
I love the way you have put that “you cannot be greater than what you know’. So true.
I too wish more people would understand our messages and join the road of personal growth. I love the title of your last post and am off over to check it out now.
Thanks for your comment.
Sue Price invites you to read..How to Get What You Want
A big part of my development work is trying remain as aware as possible on whether I’m really living the changes I’m trying to make – questioning and being honest with myself.
Adam invites you to read..Time to make changes?
I started out learning personal development almost more than my business. It really helped me through the different phases of my business. I now coach others to make money online and tell them about my own personal development story.