I don’t have a specific date where I feature other bloggers, or at least not yet, but today I thought it would be a good time for me to feature some great blogs and bloggers that I’ve got to know and started following.
Four of those bloggers, I’ve got to know very recently, and two of them for a little while longer, but I had never featured any of them on my blog before.
Lately I haven’t been able to visit other blogs as much as I used to, because of life getting in the way, but am I so glad when I’m rewarded with great articles and wonderful personalities behind the them as well.
So without further ado, let me introduce you to six wonderful bloggers who have been bringing great content on their blog and whom I am glad I’ve met.
Don Purdum is the owner of UveilTheWeb.com. He’s into web design, marketing and consulting. He’s got a beautiful new look blog/website where you can see all his achievements and read some great blog posts.
This past week he wrote a very interesting post titled, Are you Someone’s Google? A Strategy to Grow your Online Influence and Business that I really wanted to tell you about.
There he talks about how important it is to be a giver for us to be successful in our own business, and how important it is to connect and even promote other people in the business.
What’s interesting is that by the time I read his post I already had intended to write this post today. How cool is that! It really confirmed to me that I was doing the right thing.
Don is very good at building relationships himself, and he actually does what he preaches.
Carol Amato is the owner of CarolAmato.com. She blogs about blogging, marketing, traffic, social media and more.
She speaks Italian and Sicilian, which takes me back home in a way, since my father was Sicilian and spoke both Italian and Sicilian as well, even though I don’t myself.
Carol was also the inspiration behind the new videos that I’ve been making lately. I’m so glad I met Carol.
One of her last posts which I found really interesting was How to Save Time Commenting Online . Since most of us spend so much time commenting on other blogs, you might want to take a pic at her post.
Carol is like me also in the sense that she doesn’t like one way street relationships. If she makes the effort to reach out to you, she would expect you to make some type of effort as well. I agree with that one hundred percent.
Neamat Tawadrous is the owner of NeamatProBlog.com. I’ve known Neamat for a while, but she had left the blogging sphere for a few months to learn more about her business, and she came back recently with a new looking blog.
Neamat is always coming to my blogs and she’s a very up-building person. Her comments are always so encouraging to me.
In her last post she spoke about How to Overcome the Guilt that comes from Taking a Vacation which I think to be such an a apropos topic for the summer for most of us bloggers.
Plus it’s something I haven’t been able to do myself in a long while, even though I’m originally from a place where people take several weeks of vacation each year. Give her post a read if you have a problem with that as well.
Andrew M. Warner is the owner of ShadeOfInfo.com. I’ve met Andrew on my own blog as he was nice enough to come by and comment. That’s how I ended up on his blog.
Andrew is the owner of a publishing business named Warner’s Publishing International. Reading Andrew’s about me page I felt that we had lots in common; tired of dead ends jobs, spending lots of money in businesses that didn’t work out and finally finding a better way. Sound familiar to you too?
In one of Andrew’s last posts he talks about what it really take to build, manage and maintain a blog. If you are blogging at any level, this is a great read for you. It’s An Open Letter to all Bloggers who are Struggling to Keep their Blog Alive. This is a really great read.
Catherine Holt is the owner of BloggingTips101.com. I met Catherine the same way I met Andrew. She came and commented on my blog and I finally made it to hers. Thus the importance of visiting other people’s blogs and leaving comments.
This is also why it’s very important to have an about me page on your blog, so that even other bloggers (like me) can sneak in and learn more about you to talk about what you’ve done.
Catherine’s blog is pretty new, she started it in November 2013, and I can tell that her blog is going somewhere.
A recent post that I’ve read from Catherine was 4 Tips for Driving Serious Blog Traffic through Triberr which really caught my eye, as I really need help with this social media platform.
I am looking forward to get to know Catherine more as we pursue our blogging journey.
Maxwell Ivy is the owner of MidwayMarketPlace.com and more recently TheBlingBlogger.net.
I’ve met Maxwell over a year ago and back then I remember that he was looking for ways to get more traffic to his blog as well as more comments. Today he owns two blogs and I am amazed at the amount of comments that he’s getting now. This goes to show you how important it is to learn how to build relationships with other bloggers. I know Max does that very well.
He recently realized what an amazing person he is and how he has inspired others. In case you didn’t noticed it by the name of his new blog, Max does all that while blind.
His last post titled Learning to Maintain my Site and Switching to a Mac can help many newer bloggers and encourage those who may have doubts that they can do it. Max will certainly inspire you.
I hope you enjoyed this new kind of post here on this blog. Once in a while I’ll be featuring some of the great bloggers that I meet on my blogging journey.
I hope you make the effort to get to know them if you don’t already. In the meantime, please, leave a comment below.
Hi Sylviane,
Interestingly, Andrew is a guest author on Adrienne’s blog today 🙂 He has done a marvelous job there with his post!
Carol is awesome as you wrote and I have had the opportunity to visit her blog and learn a few things from her as well. She shares some great tips at her blog for sure!
I have known Maxwell also for a while and if you saw his interview at Harleena’s blog, you know how inspirational his story is. He just takes away all our excuses!
Thank you for sharing about these awesome bloggers I will be checking out others soon.
Kumar Gauraw invites you to read..6 Essential Steps To Find Time For Blogging – For Busy People
Hi Kumar,
Yes, I know Andrew is at Adirenne’s today. That’s not the first time that Adrienne and I are in sink that way. That has happened before.
Yes, I’ve read Max’s interview at Harleena’s of course. Wonderful stuff and that gives us no excuse left, right 🙂
I’m glad that there are a couple of bloggers you don’t know yet, so you can get to know them. That’s what I love about this type of posts, they bring people together that might have not otherwise.
Thanks for coming, and have a wonderful day!
Aww, thanks so much for featuring me here Sylviane 🙂
Your right, the connections are so important in blogging. Unless you are prepared to engage, share content and really interact with others, it really does ask the question why you are in blogging!
My new blog is an exciting journey for me and I am able to pull together everything I have learnt so far. It is also exciting to see readers popping from one of my blogs to the other. It’s great that I can help those that come to my ‘party site’ know more about how to get their own ‘mummy blogs’ going. Plus occasionally I do see those coming for blogging tips hop over to the party site…lol…but more often than not it’s the other way around!
It’s a great idea that you have pulled some bloggers together. These are always the type of posts I bookmark as it is great to be able to have a wealth of information all in one place, and I love finding new people to follow!
Thanks again for the mention and have an awesome week.
Tweeting now 🙂
Catherine Holt invites you to read..4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start A Blog
Hi Catherine,
You’re very welcome, it was my pleasure.
I love to do this kind of posts, because it’s easy, it gives to others and you get back from it.
Having 3 blogs myself I know what you mean by having people hoping from one blog to the other, I like that too. What still amuse me though is when people ask to know what they can find on my about me pages, just like I did for you. That’s why about pages are 🙂
I will definitely follow you and see what you have in store from now on.
Thank you for coming and have a wonderful week ahead!
Hi Sylviane,
Loved your list of wonderful bloggers mentioned here 🙂
I am SO glad I know ALL of them, though I met Catherine just recently, while Maxwell was my guest last month and lots to learn from his experiences. Yes, those are great links shared, especially as they are full of information, so lots to learn from them indeed. Neamat has been the oldest one I know from this list, while the rest, except for Max, we keep meeting even on Kingged I think – another great platform for making new friends.
Thanks for sharing more about these gems with us. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Harleena Singh invites you to read..Are You Worried About Your Blog’s Alexa Rank
Hi Harleena,
I’m not surprised that you know them all, as I can’t think of blog I go to where I haven’t seen you 🙂 I don’t know how you do it, Harleena.
On top of their great content, those guys are great people to get to know too, so I hope that whoever doesn’t know them yet, will make the effort to do so.
It’s true that a few of them are also on Kingged, but I don’t think I’ve met any of there, though. Anyway, we have so many ways to get to know other bloggers. That’s one easy thing to do, as long as we want to.
Thank you for coming, and have a wonderful week!
Hi Syviane,
WOW! What a blessing. I so appreciate you. Thank you for making these connections for us.
Carol and Andrew have become weekly must reads for me. They offer amazing content that is always helpful and useful. I didn’t know that Andrew was a guest today on Adrienne’s site. That’s awesome! He’s a great guy!!!!
I just recently met Neamat and Catherine and I’m enjoying getting to know them and their work. I look forward to contributing to their blogs via comments. You know me, I always have something positive to say!
Thank you for this wonderful gift. I so appreciate you Sylviane!
~ Don Purdum
Don Purdum invites you to read..11 Step Unique Process to Creating a Dynamic, Compelling, Converting Website
Hi Don,
It was a pleasure to feature you guys, it’s great for the blogger who is featured a lots of fun for the one featuring them. It’s a win-win situation.
I’m glad you’ve met most people here already, we are a big family, aren’t we? Yes, you always say nice things 🙂
Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful week!
Good Morning Syvliane,
It really is a win-win!!! I like the way you said that, it seems that many of us are really supporting one another. I guess that can qualify as big family, can’t it?
~ Don
Don Purdum invites you to read..11 Step Unique Process to Creating a Dynamic, Compelling, Converting Website
We sure are a big family, Don. Love it! The supporting each other is great 🙂
Ciao Sylviane,
What a wonderful surprise in store for me when I came to read your blog post and see that you’ve featured me along with these five awesome entrepreneurs…
Thank you so much for sharing, Sylviane, and I’m thankful that our paths crossed!! I do feel I can resonate with you on so many levels and am honored to be counted among your friends. 🙂
Don Purdum is a friend I’ve met within the last few months, and have really enjoyed our interactions – he’s a very thoughtful commenter and always adds value wherever he goes. I will definitely check out this recent post of his, as I’m sure it’s a doozy! 🙂
I’ve interacted a bit with Neamat, but definitely need to get to know her more. Thanks for the reminder to check out her site, especially that post about the guilt… Oh my, we can all relate, right?
Andrew is a dear and I’m very familiar with his work and really like him as a person. He’s a humble and thoughtful guy who truly does esteem others before himself. He’s a wonderful friend, and I am sure to check out his ShadeofInfo on a regular basis.
I know Max also and have enjoyed getting to know him through Harleena. Great guy and such an inspiration to us all.
Ya know, I don’t believe I’ve met Catherine before, how awesome that you’re introducing her to me – I will definitely check out the article she did on Triberr, as this is absolutely a subject I’m interested in.
Sylviane, thanks for including me here with these lovely people, and I hope your day is a wonderful start to a great week. 🙂
Take Care,
– Carol 🙂
Carol Amato invites you to read..This Should Be On Your To Do List – VIDEO
Hi Carol,
It was my pleasure and lots of fun to create this blog post. What I like is that even among the bloggers I mention here, some, if not most of you won’t know about ALL of the others, so that’s more connections in the making.
I’m so glad we connected as well, and it’s not every day I meet someone who can speak Italian and Sicilian
You guys have produced great content that I’m glad to feature here on this post. It was one of the easiest posts I had to come up with in a while (not too much work).
Thanks for coming and have a wonderful day!
Hi Sylviane,
I just love the bloggers you have selected. I know them all except Catherine….which I will connect with shortly.
I read Don’s post and it is awesome! I loved the title “Are You Someone’s Google?” And I was quite surprised to see myself there lol.
I’m just starting to engage with Carol Amato and enjoying her blog. She also leaves such wonderful comments!
Andrew is another great blogger that I know and learn from so much.
Thanks for this “round up” of awesome bloggers.
donna merrill invites you to read..Talking To The World
Hi Donna,
That’s what I love about this kind of posts, because there’s always that one person that you’re not going to know yet, and will want to connect with. All those guys are great people besides being bloggers. I would never feature bloggers – no matter how big they are – that I don’t appreciate as people.
This was a brand new list and that was fun to do!
Thanks for coming Donna, I was just going to go to your blog and you beat me to it 🙂
Hi Sylviane,
So THIS was what you were talking about. I am truly honored to be mentioned here along side these other great bloggers. The only person I’m not familiar with is Neamat but I’ll be sure to check out her blog shortly.
This has been a pretty interesting (busy) Monday for me so far and I’m just thrilled to have been mentioned in your blog post today. It’s a please to get the opportunity to connect with you and I’m looking forward to some more great blog posts.
Hope you have yourself an awesome week ahead.
– Andrew
Andrew invites you to read..7 Effective Strategies You Could Use To Get Quality Traffic To Your Blog Immediately
Hi Andrew,
Well, I bet it was a busy Monday for you so far, and you might get busier on your blog too as well because you’re everywhere today 🙂
I’m glad that there was a least one person you didn’t know yet, as it is the case of most people who have commented so far. That’s the beauty of this kind of posts.
Thanks so much for coming and have a great week!
Hi Sylviane,
Well as you know, I’m familiar with all of these bloggers.
I met both Don and Carol several months ago now both through blog commenting of course. Don has been so sweet to share one of my posts in his Saturday roundup. Carol asked me to guest post and I was her first last month. That one went over rather well and I was pleased to have done it.
I was sad when Neamat took a break from blogging but we all have to do what’s best for us and I’m just glad that she’s revamped her business and is back to blogging where she belongs.
As Kumar mentioned and you already know, Andrew is my guest blogger this month. He did an exceptional post and as you already know they have to be a regular visitor in order to guest post so we’ve been connecting now for awhile.
I recently met Catherine not long ago but only have been by her place a few times.
What can I say about Max. I mean I’m still in awe of what all he’s accomplished with not one but now two blogs. I never realized that people who were blind wanted to blog but that just goes to show you what I know. He’s an awesome person to know.
I do agree that they all have wonderful content to share with us and we can all learn from them in different ways.
I’m glad you have had the opportunity to get to know them all Sylviane and thanks for introducing them to your readers. They are all wonderful people.
Enjoy your week now.
Adrienne invites you to read..How To Create Loyal Readers That Will Trust And Love You
Hi Adrienne,
Yes, so far, you and Harleena know all of those guys, but you’re actually the only two, if I’m not wrong, as everyone else has got someone they don’t know on this list. That’s why I love doing this.
I often mention people I have mentioned before, but this time I wanted to mention people that I actually never featured before since except for Neamat and Max the other three I’ve met rather recently.
As I’ve commented to someone above I would never mention bloggers who don’t have a nice personality behind the blog, because I don’t care who you are, you’ve got to show some human feelings for me to want to mention you. I’ve sure you know what I mean 🙂
That would be great if each of these great bloggers noticed some new comments on their blogs because of this post. I love blogging.
Thank you for coming, Adrienne, and have a great day.
Hey Sylviane Nuccio
What a list of wonderful bloggers. I have known and interacted with everyone on the list. My first meeting with Max was on ahanow earlier this yeah when Harleena published my guest post. I really didn’t know of his blog theblindblogger.net until now. I have just visited it and I like the engagement on it. Just added that to my list of blogs to visit.
Don is a nice guy I have just met too. For a short time, its been like we’ve known ourselves for centuries.
Of course, I’m a constant reader on Carol’s, Neamat’s,Andrew and Catherine’s blog.
These wonderful bloggers have great blogs where they share exceptional content and you are very correct to feature them here.
I’ll be excited to see more of your wonderful bloggers featured here. That will create a forum for us to meet more bloggers to hang out with
Thanks for the beautiful introductions and do have a wonderful week ahead
Enstine Muki invites you to read..9 reasons I will Never visit your blog again!
Hi Enstine,
I’m glad you know all of those wonderful bloggers, and I know some of them for a short time myself, but it’s never too late to get to know people.
Max was brand new to blogging just like a little over a year ago, and he’s made giant steps. What an inspiration as he is blind.
Thanks you for coming by, Enstine and have a great day.
I have met a couple of these bloggers but do not know the rest. They all seem to be fabulous bloggers. I am planning on visiing all of their blogs.
I have know Max for quite a while and he is definitely an inspiration to all bloggers. I am amazed at what he does. I stuggle to those same things.
I also know Carol as she came to my blog and commented. I think I have been to hers.
I like posts that introduce us to bloggers. I usulally meet really great bloggers that I have not met before. Which is great for me.
Thanks for a great post.
Dee Ann
Dee Ann Rice invites you to read..Evergreen Posts
Hi Ann,
What a nice surprise. I haven’t seen you in so long. I hope you’re doing great!
I love posts like that too as it links us to other bloggers that are worth the detour.
Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful day!
Hello Ms. Sylviane
How awesome of you to o this great post to introduce your readers to other bloggers.
Thank you for inspiring us to meet other bloggers.
I am familiar with Carol, Max and Neamat. I will check out the others.
Mr. Andrew was a guest on Ms. Adrienne’s blog.
Thank you
Hi Gladys,
I’m glad you came here and I hope you’ll try to connect with those you don’t know yet. Yes, indeed, Andrew is guest at Adrienne’s blog this week. That was pure coincidence.
Hope you’re well and nice to see you here.
Hi Sylviane,
I met Andrew today over at Adrienne’s blog. He shared some great stuff today. I’ll definitely be going over to his place. I’ve also been to Carol Amato’s blog. As a matter of fact she is one of the first people I started following on Twitter. :).
I will have to make my way to these other blogs and meet them. If you’re introducing us to them they have to be great!
I hope you had a great Monday to start your week! See you in the socialverse!
Corina Ramos invites you to read..Five Easy Ways Your Teen Can Help Around the House
Hi Corina,
I’m glad you came and got to learn a bit more about those great bloggers. Yes, I do recommend them here so in my book they are worth visiting and getting to know.
I hope you’ll enjoy what they’re sharing.
Have a great rest of the week.
Hi Sylviane; You told me to be on the look out for monday’s post. I took a nap after dinner, so just got to read it. I am always honored to be included in posts like this. I think if it ever gets old, then its time to quit or at least take a vacation. 🙂 Neamat has been a visitor to my blog, and I have read a couple of Andrew’s posts through Adrienne’s site. He actually has a guest post out today there in addition to this so congrats to him on a big week. I like how you mentioned something personal about each of us. I think some people would read the posts you mention just because you recommended them, but others still need to feel a connection or at least the beginning of one. It was the group at bloggers helping bloggers who showed me I had more to contribute to the world and encouraged me to step out and take a chance that even more people would be inspired by my story. I haven’t regretted it. So, you had a hand in me becoming someone you would want to mention in a post like this. Thanks again for including me and for being such a good friend. Take care sweet Sylviane. xoxo max
maxwell ivey invites you to read..List building without realizing it and getting an auto responder
Hi Max,
I’ve been so impressed with your progress. I still remember when you told me that you needed some help with comments on your blog and look at you now! Even got an interview on Harleena’s blog and a new blog.
Of course, my post is only introducing you guys to others, they will have to make the effort to get to know you and see how it goes. Truly connect.
I’m glad you came and have a wonderful day ahead.
I was just reading your comment over on Adrienne’s blog and I had to stop by because I wanted to respond to you! On Andrew’s guest post you mentioned that you were in the acting field. What did you do? I’m an actress myself and I find acting and blogging strangely similar sometimes, don’t you?
I agree that humility makes a huge difference in how much people trust you. You clearly have built a strong community here, no doubt because you are trustworthy. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Brittany Bullen invites you to read..How to Do It All (and Not Go Insane)
Hi Brittany,
How nice to meet you. So you’re an actress? What do you do?
To answer your question I was in plays/theatre field. I started with drama school in 1986, and soon after that I got some acting jobs here and there. I was in 2 movies as kind of a passer-by and in one industrial commercial (shown in companies). All between the late 80’s and early 90’s.
In New York I belonged to what they used to call and still do I guess an Off-Off Broadway bilingual theater, and then a small theater in New Jersey which was the last of my acting venture. It was in 1995.
I agree, blogging and acting can have some similarities.
I’m so glad you came here and connected with me. I will check you out too!
Thanks for getting back so quickly! To answer your question, I’m a musical theatre nerd myself. I still do regional stuff from time to time and I’ve done a couple movies and commercials as well, but the stage is my passion. I’m also a playwright and a composer.
I got into blogging because it’s so much easier to get an audience for blog posts than it is to get one for your plays!
How did you get into it?
Brittany Bullen invites you to read..How to Do It All (and Not Go Insane)
Oh, boy do I know what you mean.
The reason I dropped acting is that it was becoming too tough for me. Too much waitressing and not enough acting 🙂 it’s a tough biz and at the time I didn’t have the personal development tools that I have today, so it was really hard for me.
Wow, I’m very impressed with what you do and will hop to your blog right now 🙂
Hi Sylviane,

Firstly i am happy that your Facebook fanpage is on now.
This is a very wonderful list of six super stars in the industry, no doubt they are great bloggers, in my humble opinion, i would have love Adrienne to be in this list.
Emebu invites you to read..7 Simple Steps to Build Dofollow Backlinks
Hi Emebu,
Yes, I had to put that Facebook page thing here for a while now, but I had never took the time to do so.
The reason Adrienne is not here it because I’ve mentioned her before, more than once, on older posts of mine on this blog. If you browse around you’ll find them. This is not the firs time I do this you know! 🙂
Also, it’s good to mention new people at times, isn’t it? Bloggers tend to cite always the same bloggers over and over.
Thank you for coming and sorry about the late reply.
Hi Sylviane,Wonderful List Of Six Super in The industry Really Great Work And I like Your Article Thanks For Shareing me And Keep It up
Leena Shah invites you to read..How To Fuel Bills in Winter Save Money
Hi Leena,
Welcome here and glad you enjoyed this post.
Hello Madam Sylviane,
These are indeed great bloggers and I am glad to know them as well. They all have distinctive characters but the reality is; quality is what they channel out anytime they hit the publish button.
Emmanuel invites you to read..5 Good Reasons why you will keep Failing as a Blogger
Hi Emmanuel,
I’m glad you know those bloggers and that you appreciate their work.
Thank you for coming and have an excellent weekend.
Hi Sylviane,I\’ve heard all of them but unfortunately only Catherine\’s blog the one I often visit. May be this is the time to check the others. Thanks for sharing this.Wish you enjoy the week
Okto invites you to read..How to Increase Your Facebook Fanpage Reach?
Hi Okto,
I’m glad that you don’t know them yet, so you can get to know yet more wonderful bloggers who share great content.
Thanks for coming and I’ve be over to you place soon.
Hi Sylviane
Introducing other bloggers like this is a great concept. I have seen Adrienne do it often but now you too. 🙂
I only knew of two of these people so great to be introduced to the others. I will make my way to the others. It never ceases to amaze me just how much information there is available because of bloggers.
Thanks Sylviane
Sue Price invites you to read..How to Choose a Career and Be Successful
Hi Sue,
I thought I had replied to your comments, but I didn’t. Sorry about that, but my birthday got in the way 🙂
I see many bloggers sharing other people’s work on a regular basis, so I’ve decided that it was time for me to do this once in awhile. For the most part, people love that and it’s a win-win situation for all of us, reader, introduced blogger and post writer blogger.
In the past I’ve introduced my buddies, you included 🙂 but I thought it was time for new faces.
I hope you’re doing well, and will come visit soon.
Hello Sylviane,
I got to know about your blog from my Co-Author Sanjay. He told me to visit your blog. And I was surprised while I went through your some of the articles. They are truly amazing and simply written. You have expressed your thoughts so succinctly, that it is easy for everyone to understand.Now coming back to your article, I can say that your idea of introducing of so many renowned bloggers is very good. I am a frequent visitor barring Maxwell Ivy’s blog. Since you have mentioned, I will sure drop by his site.
I hope that you keep on posting about renowned bloggers so that we all can learn something valuable from them.
All The Best To You. Wish You Have A Wonderful Day.
Thanks & Regards,
Swapnadip Chakraborty invites you to read..Awesome Google Features, You May Search For
Hi Swapnadip,
How nice it is that Sanjay told you to visit my blog, and I have to say that when you hear things like this, you know that at least you’ve made some impact with your writing. Very sweet to hear, indeed.
In the future I will share other bloggers’ work more, because it’s always appreciated by the readers.
Thank you for coming and welcome here. I hope you’ll come back soon 🙂
Hi Sylviane
What a pleasant surprise that all of these wonderful bloggers are my good friends in addition to you. 🙂
I have connected with Maxwell quite recently while with others I have been in close interaction professionally.
All these guys are not only great bloggers but also wonderful human beings. Especially their way of supporting their friends and fellows is quite impressive and equally heartening.
You did a great job by putting their intros in one post to make more people know them. It is indeed a big reality together we can meet more and more people to believe this world has more good people and quite a few bad.
Thank God no one in my friends circle is slightly bad and for this how lucky I am.
Thanks a lot for compiling this wonderful list and sharing with us.
Mi Muba invites you to read..How to make money blogging with these 10 business tips?
Hi Mi,
I’m so glad you know and like all these bloggers. Indeed they are great people and it’s so nice to know them.
Thank you for coming and have a wonderful week.
Hi,Awesome bloggers especially Maxwell who is an inspiration to anyone out there. One needs to just keep on doing hard work and success will be delivered.
Be it Carol or Catherine, all of them are wonderful bloggers and someone who have set examples for others. Its nice that you have met them and you featured them, they all deserve it and you will definitely be featured among great bloggers for sure.
Rohan Bhardwaj invites you to read..Running Is Life
Hi Rohan,
I’m glad you know the bloggers in my list and appreciate them. We can all learn so much from one another.
Thank you for coming and have a wonderful day!
Well, All are awesome Bloggers, I love reading their work. But I always keep Maxwell i top position in my list of Inspirational bloggers. I got lot of inspiration from Him and that’s why i am here on this position.
Atinder invites you to read..How to backup BlogSpot blog (Blogger Site)
Hi Atinder,
Yes, Max is a great source of inspiration. Thank you for mentioning that and for coming.
Sylviane Don’t you think you are a Lucky Blogger that you have met to Legends of Blogging Platform ! I’m also a Blogger But I just know only “Neamat Tawadrous” ! I have seen her Official Blog
Hi Sylviane,
Wow, what a surprise after my summer break.
Thanks so much for featuring me in your blog among those awesome bloggers. I am really humbled.
I just recently connected with Don and Max. Don is a great person and you can pick that up very quickly, he has the heart of a servant and a great leader at the same time.
I got to know Max from his guest post in Harleena’s blog and knowing all what he did and doing brought tears to my eyes. He is such an inspiration.
I visited Carol once but I will continue to do so as she is a great person as well and very knowledgable about her stuff.
Thanks for introducing Catherine and Andrew, I will make sure to visit their blogs and connect with them.
Thanks again Sylviane for the mention and for introducing us to new great bloggers. Highly appreciated. Have a great week ahead.
Be Blessed,
Neamat Tawadrous invites you to read..3 Tips To Kill Information Overload And Start Focusing!!