The first step in the job interview process often begins with a phone call from a hiring manager.
Sometimes this phone interview can come at a moment’s notice.
During this initial call, the interviewer will discuss the job opportunity, gauge your interest in the position, and see if you are a good fit for your potential employer.
Phone interviews also help employers to have an unbiased opinion about you. What better way to do speak with you to have a feeling for you?
But it can all happen really fast and you may not be ready when it does. With the following tips, you can nail your next phone interview right on the head.
Job-ify Your Phone for Success
Setup your voicemail for prospective hiring managers so they can leave a message if you are unable to reach you on your phone. This step can paint a better picture of how you would fare as an employee.
First off, make sure that your voice recording is clear and concise. Speak slowly and clearly, stating your first and last name as well as your customized greeting.
If you want to leave an additional contact, such as an email address, state that as well. Next, clear your voicemail inbox. The last thing you want is a potential interviewer to call and get the message that your inbox is full, or worse, not set up yet. Believe it or not, that happens to recruiters all the time.
This could make a bad impression on the interviewer. Even though it’s an interview over the phone, make sure you leave an impression of professionalism on your potential employer.
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Preparation is key for an interview to go well.
Just because you’re speaking with a prospective employer over the phone doesn’t mean that you don’t have to practice. You should prepare for your phone interview the same way that you would prepare for an in-person interview.
Rehearse for it if you have to or even have a notepad on hand to write down information.
Do your research about the position and company you have applied for. Be ready to answer the interviewer’s questions by compiling a list of your strengths and weaknesses.
Consider using a list app to stay organized.
In addition to this list, you will also want to put together a list of your answers to some of the most common interview questions, which can include questions about your background and job experience, skills relating to the job, education, and training as well as salary expectations.
It is also wise to prepare your own set of questions for the interviewer. They help construct a positive image of you as a future employee to the interviewer. Write them down as well if you have to.
The Follow Up Is Key
Once the interview is finished and you tap your screen to end the call, it does not mean that the process is over, nor does it guarantee you got the job.
At this point, it’s your responsibility to handle all the follow-ups on the details. Did the interviewer direct you to call or email to set up another interview?
Find out these details so you can act on them. The ball is in your court and it’s your turn now.
If you’ve waited about a week for an interviewer to get back to you about whether or not you’ve got the job, make a phone call to find out. Not only does a call to the potential employer show initiative, it displays enthusiasm, two qualities that are admired by employers.
Even if you get bad news from the hiring manager, that you did not get the job, the negative outcome can actually yield some good: you can find out why the other candidate was hired instead of you, and you can make adjustments for your next interview and most of all, you now know what to do for your next interview.
Acing your phone interview is rather easy. First impressions are important for job seekers. And even though you are not meeting the hiring manager in person, even your first conversation with your potential employer via the phone is just as essential.
From job-ifying your phone by setting up your voicemail properly, to the prep and follow up, these steps can help you bag your next phone interview.
Contributor Post at SylvianeNuccio.com
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