I’ve learned more about energy healing this past month and half than I ever had until now. As a matter of fact, while doing my research I realized that most people who got seriously involved with energy healing in the Western world, were people for whom regular medicine couldn’t help. So they turned to energy healing, and by the same token turned their life around.
Well, just like I did. The reason why I got a rush of interest about energy healing it’s that for one thing I’ve always been attracted by this type of thing, of course, but most importantly because early March I had to rush Sophie (my adorable cat) to vet because of a bad looking infection on her upper left gum. In mid-January she had was we thought to be an abscess, so she had her teeth cleaned and that little abscess removed, but in March the doctor said it was a tumor.
At first I was totally distraught, especially after the biopsy result, but for some reason I refused to accept that fact and started replacing my despair with hope, that maybe, I could find a way to help Sophie. Plus, I had few conversations over the phone with my friend, Adrienne Smith, and she certainly encouraged me not to accept that either. This really helped me a lot too.
So I made the decision to live one day at the time, and find ways to relive both Sophie and myself, with something stronger and more powerful, than what meets the eye. Plus since Sophie wasn’t acting sick at all whatsoever, so it gave me the punch I needed to try and learn about energy healing.
On my Way to the Discovery of Energy Healing
I have to say that I am really grateful that we live in the times that we live in, because we can learn about just anything under the sun and even beyond, at the click of the mouth these days. I really wanted to mention this, because I wouldn’t have been able to learn what I’ve learned if it weren’t for the well of knowledge and resources that the internet is today.
So, in this post, my goal is to share some of the things that I’ve learned and practiced on Sophie and myself for this past month and half, in order to use that wonderful healing energy that is given to us by our marvelous universe.
So, let’s take it one step at the time…
What is the Aura?
Once thing that I already knew, and I ‘m sure you do too, is that we are 100% energy. We are solid to the touch and visible to eye, but we are, nonetheless, pure energy. But so is what we CAN’T see, touch or smell. Not only are we energy, but we are surrounded by it.
We are surrounded by 2 layers of what we call the aura. The first layer is right around our body and about one inch wide, the second one is around that first aura layer, and it’s one to three feet wide, depending on the person. People with strong positive energy go wider than those who don’t have such strong positive energy. the wider your second aura, the better for you.
The aura is that invisible energy part of us, or at least, invisible for most people. Some people and usually very young children are actually able to see the aura. You can also find exercises online to learn how to see the aura. With will and practice, everything is possible.
But why am I talking about the aura? Because it’s essential to be aware of the aura to work on energy healing. It’s an awareness you need to have.
What is Energy Healing?
If we are energy, then it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that we can health our cells and body using positive energy.
Peoples of Africa and Asia are much more familiar to energy healing than we are in the western world, because they use it all the time. Even in France, in the village where I grew up, I remember farmers with a wooden stick in their hand looking from water sources. When the the sick started shaking, they had found the water source. Those guys knew how to work with energy.
As for here, it seems that we are just learning how to rediscover it, so to speak.
Energy healing is been around since the beginning of times, back in the days when energy was naturally understood and felt by humans before they start becoming too indoctrinated by civilization.
In Africa, many people still practice energy and natural plant healing. I have a friend from Africa whose grand-mother cured him from asthma, using plants from the forest. Something that modern doctors still can’t do. Those people have known those things from generation to generation.
Natural healing using the energy and plants from the earth is actually more powerful than any drugs you’ll ever take, but it’s deep in our beliefs in that drugs are what heal us.
Energy healing, of course, works best if you believe in it and use it with intention. If you doubt that it works, or if you down right don’t believe it works at all, you probably are not the best candidate to practice energy healing. However, you don’t even need to believe it when an energy healer works on you. It will still work.
As I wanted to check if what I was doing on Sophie worked, I did it on a friend of mine who suffers from psoriatic arthritis, which is a type of arthritis caused by a skin disorder called psoriasis, and to his surprised he told me that he felt better right at the first session.
By the way, because of the research that I’ve done, I’ve also found out someone who is an energy healer and she now has a program that teaches people to do what she does. Her students can become actually become certified energy healers.
Now, need I tell you that I’ll be doing this in the near future? You bet I will.
In short, energy healing is the mastering of using our natural energy and mind to heal. It basically only requires a bit of knowledge, intention, and concentration.
Energy Healing Called Reiki Healing
A well known energy healing type is called Reiki Healing. All you need to use for Reiki healing is a bit of understanding of how it works and your hands. It’s the cheapest healing method you’d ever have available to you.
You can do Reiki healing on people and on animals. Animals respond very well to Reiki healing.
How to Prepare for Reiki Healing
To prepare for a session of Reiki Healing you need to do the following:
1) Make sure you won’t be disturbed, such as turning your phone off.
2) Wash your hands to wash off any bad energy that may be attached to them.
3) Prepare yourself mentally by meditation and prayer – connecting with the divine. Rising your hand up at chest level, palms up will actually allow the energy from above to come down to your hands.
4) Visual yourself and your patient in a white light protective bubble.
5) Place both your hands on your patient body and leave them still for a few minutes at the time. Then change your hands position to other parts of the body and go on this way for 20 to 40 minutes.
How to Prepare for Reiki Healing
How to Put Yourself in Good Energy
There are few very easy exercises that you can do to put yourself in “Energy Shape” so to speak. Watch these easy exercises and do this every day!

Hey Sylviane,
I’m so glad you wrote about this and I appreciate the mention. As you know from my own experience with my Dad that I truly believe in the power of prayer and healing outside of just what the medical community can do for us. We all know there’s a much higher power that’s in control of our lives and when we truly believe and are open to other methods I know that wonderful things can come from this.
Without going into any detail at the moment, a friend is fixing to go through this same thing. The doctors can’t help him, he’s been given the death sentence but the amazing thing is that what he has has been cured through natural methods like you’re describing here plus some others of as well. it’s all through energy healing and oils. That in itself is the true power. That the doctor’s literally are telling him that he’s going to die but they’ve found others who have been cured through these methods and lived to tell the tell.
I believe that Sophie will as well because she has you as her loving Mom that refuses to give up or give in and of course she’s in my prayers every single day. I know that natural methods do work and I’m so glad you shared this with us. Oh and I loved the video with the cat. He looked kind of freaked out at first but all is well in the end.
Have a wonderful day and you have a great rest of your week.
Adrienne invites you to read..What Is Your Blog Commenting Strategy?
Hi Adrienne,
Yes, I know, doctors are good at giving death sentences, because all they know is “man made” medicine, so to speak, and that we know has its limits.
I know one thing, the vet was shock the last time he saw Sophie (last week) because he expected her to be in a much worse state than she was. Then after he removed that stuff from her mouth, when I came to pick her up, he was shaking his head and said “she is a tough cat, not 30 minutes after surgery she was roaming in the cage head bumping people coming to check on her.”
As I was leaving he said, keep giving her all the love. I thought it was interesting that he said that, because I think that he does feel that it’s that love that keeps her going, even though I didn’t say anything about energy healing, as he may not understand 🙂 you know what I mean?
Thank you so much for your prayers, and God bless you for that my friend 🙂 I hope your friend will try energy healing.
Have a wonderful day!
WOW! You and I have a LOT more in common than we knew. This is so wild – you know the saying, everyone comes in your life for a reason. Last week, I signed up to become a certified life force energy healer. This past weekend, I went to an Angel healing fair. Saturday I’m going to a women’s healing empowerment seminar where I’ll be signing up to start learning Reiki. Kinda wild, huh? I’ve been learning about essential oils and diffusing them daily and using them topically. I just got my vegan capsules to start ingesting some of them too. All that and following a vegan diet for close to 2 months now, I’m hoping to be in the best emotional, physical and spiritual shape in my life. I’m so excited for you that you’re on the same path. It’s amazing, isn’t it? 🙂 Lisa
Lisa Magoulas invites you to read..How does food affect your mood?
Hi Lisa,
Wow, I didn’t know you were into that either girl. That’s great. Actually, you seem to be much further along than me in this area. As I was doing my research I did find this Healing Master that teaches people to do what she does and become certified, and I so want to do it.
I’m sure you will love Reiki. I’ve been doing it every single day since early March on my kitty, and it seems to work 🙂 I am thrilled.
I hope we can share our energy healing findings and knowledge. Like you I believe that people come into your life for a reason.
Thanks so much for you input.
HI Sylviane,
Oh yes….Reiki does work and people use it a lot our end along with the several other healing techniques, which are all natural ways to heal 🙂
I knew Sophie wasn’t well but got to know the details now, and we all hope and pray that things get well soon. I know the powers of reiki and usually they have reiki masters who pass on the ways to you by showing you how to open the chakras in you, when they teach you how it is all done the right way.
I know this because my Dad learnt it through one such master when he used it on my mother who was suffering from cancer. Although it didn’t cure the cancer as certain things are beyond control of humans, it certainly helped her ease the pain and she used to feel very relaxed when he did it on her, especially after her painful chemo sessions. My aunt too learnt it and used it for distance healing, but again, unless you have a proper master to teach you as they pass down or are known to open the channels that pass such positive energy from above through you, to others, something that we cannot do on our own, that’s what we were told.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

Harleena Singh invites you to read..10 Effective Discipline Techniques For Children
Hi Harleena,
Yes, it makes sense, anything that can be learned, needs to be learned the proper way in order to work right. Of course, India is a part of the world where natural methods of healing are very common. You’re very fortunate.
Like you said, even if in some cases it might not cure the disease it can at least relieve the person quite a bit, and that’s very important too. What your father did on your mother wasn’t in vain, for sure.
Thank you for sharing this, and have a wonderful day!
Hi Sylviane
For me I always think healing before medicine. Well unless I was in an accident and needed stitching together then I go medicine.
I also did a Reiki course some years back just for my own knowledge. For many years I have seen spiritual healers, reiki masters, kineseologists, massage therapists, and the list goes on.
I am glad you wrote this post as way too many people turn to western medicine when there are much better alternatives. I am blessed to live in a town where there are many alternative practitioners. They come here often to escape the pollution of a city so we are blessed.
Great advice Sylviane.
Sue Price invites you to read..Reinventing Yourself: Life After 50
Hi Sue,
I’m so glad that you are inclined to energy healing. Me too I was brought up around natural healers. I remember my family going to some farmer’s house to get healed from a nerve or muscle misplacement. They had no title or licences, just the gift from above, and when you came out, your pain was gone. If the pain was here for long, you needed to get like 3 sessions instead of just one, but then it was gone too.
Then, we had those, as I mentioned in the post, who were able to find new wells and other water sources just by holding a wooden stick 🙂 When they hit a water source the stick would start shaking.
We have natural powers that are much, much stronger than any man made methods in this life. The problem is that the more “civilize” we get the more we tend to lose them.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge about energy and natural healing 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
Hey Sylviane,
GREAT post – this kind of stuff fascinates me and a lot of times people just blow it off and think that since it isn’t “real medicine” it can’t be effective. I think that there is a lot to be learned from this type of thing!
I’ve never had a Reiki session but I have always wanted to – you’ve got me feeling motivated to go have it done soon! Gonna check out some local healers in the area and learn more about it!
Thanks for sharing,
Hi Zach,
I’m glad you like this type of healing methods. I’ve never had Reiki done on me either, but seeing what it does to my kitty, I’m sure I would love it. If you try it, let me know how it goes.
Thanks for coming and have a wonderful day!
Hi Sylviane,
The Reiki definitely sounds interesting. I have heard about it. But I never got this much information about it before and more so because I didn’t take time to read about it.
Thank you for sharing your own testimonial and inspiring us to look into it.
By the way, I am a big believer in natural healing and I know for sure it works. I have seen wonders happening through energy healing and coming from India, I have experienced it in my childhood as well.
In fact, there was a show in Discovery channel where they showed how people in the state of Kerala, India cured those with snake bite just using leaves from jungle and not just they, the healer was able to identify the type of snake by the taste of leave the person who was bit by the snake told after eating a leaf or two. This was amazing!
Thank you for sharing this.!
Kumar Gauraw invites you to read..Why I Switched From DISQUS To CommentLuv And How You Can Do It Too
Hi Kumar,
So sorry just published you comment here, but I’ve been so tied up this week that after a day or two after publishing this post I didn’t return to check on more comments until now, because it’s time for me to post tomorrow post 🙂
I’m not surprised that being from India you know about natural and energy healing, and it certainly does work. I’m glad you enjoy this information and thank you for sharing those snake bite healing stories too 🙂
One of my favorite topics Sylviane!
I’ve worked with energy healing such a long time. Once, when my mom was in the hospital and doctors wanted to remove one quarter of her stomach, I refused to see that happen. I know she didn’t believe in energy healing and she wouldn’t be open to it, so I told her in ways she could relate that it was more prayer. She was open to it.
David and I did a massive energy healing where there were open sores in her stomach we seen from the x rays. We did this for about a half hour – pouring good healing energy to that specific area.
That night she was in pain and we had to rush to the hospital. They took more tests and found that there were no more open sores. Of course the doctors chalked it up to a mistake in the first place. We smiled and nodded our heads and thanked them. lol.
She was healed! Reiki can work with a person near or far away! I firmly believe that we all can do it because it is a natural part of us. As long as we know where to pull the energy in and pour it out. I’ve been to many Reiki “masters” and felt nothing. Then, I’ve been to certain people and I was healed on the spot!
I believe it all depends on the specific person and how at that moment they pour that energy out. Plus, the “patient” has to be willing to accept it.
I was healed from an ulcer in one session. My best friend who had severe swelling in her knee was healed by the same woman too. I can write a book of how many experiences I have seen.
Well, I’m sure glad you are healing Sophie! I have been praying for that little one.
donna merrill invites you to read..My 200th Blog Post Celebration
Hi Donna,
How great that is that not only you know about energy healing, but you’ve experienced it so much in your life.
I’ve experienced energy healing since I was a child as we had a couple of farmers who could fix you an sprain ankle or a dislocated shoulder with their bare hand in about 20 minutes. My mom was going to those guys before she’d go to any doctor 🙂
Rekei, on the other hand, I’ve been learning it here and now, and, yes, practicing it on my four legged daughter. So far, she is doing great and I’m grateful for that every single day.
Thank you so much for praying for her, and so sorry for this late reply and for having just published you comment now, but I’ve got so busy that I’ve not returned to this blog since Thursday or Friday.
Energy healing is practiced here in Malaysia by some, but it is usually laced with spiritualism/religious practices, which is ok. Unfortunately, there are also many bogus energy healers taking advantage of the sick and needy. I think I’d rather learn from the internet, if I can’t find a certified master. Thank you for sharing. 😀
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