The Lemon A Fruit With Miraculous Anti-Cancer Properties

I have to admit that I have a few connections in France and Morocco who, once in a while, are sending me delightful articles; which articles have been the inspiration for some of my blog posts on this blog.

A few weeks ago, I was forwarded a very interesting article about the incredible healing qualities of the lemon for cancerous cells.  This information came right out of the “institut des sciences de la Santé” (Institute of Health Science).

The lemon, from the citrus family, is a fruit that has the property to kill cancerous cells.  Yes, that’s right!  You might be even more surprised if I told you that the lemon is 10, 000 times stronger than chemotherapy according to a research from  the Institute of Health Science.

Now, why is such valuable information not a known fact since so many people are diagnosed with cancer every day?  Well, the article goes on to say that it’s because some very powerful laboratories are only interested in manufacturing synthetic versions of cure that bring them huge monetary benefits.   If people start curing their cancers, lumps and tumors with lemon, no one is making big money anymore; except, maybe your corner grocery store or the lemon tree merchant.

However, we shouldn’t be too surprise by this, for centuries Chinese have treated all kind of diseases, even found natural medicine for longevity all within the resources of our wonderful planet.

The Healing Power of the Lemon

The lemon is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting ones are the effect it produces on cysts, tumors and against all types of cancer.  The lemon is also considered an antimicrobial agent with broad spectrum against bacterial and fungal.  The lemon is also effective against internal parasites and worms, and it regulates blood pressure.  The lemon is also an anti-depressant and a natural medicine against stress and nervous disorders.

The article goes on to say that a major drug manufacturer has done over 20 laboratory tests since 1970 which revealed that the lemon can destroy malignant cells in 12 types of cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas.  Interestingly colon, pancreas, lung and prostate cancer are known to be deadly.

Many Ways to Consume Lemons

Probably the easiest way to eat lemon is to make lemon juice and drink it mixed with water or other juices.  You can also add lemon in many dishes escpecially fish.  Make sure you consume the pulp of the lemon as well.

During strawberry season I like to make my strawberry salad, which includes, for two persons: 10 to 12 large strawberries, 2 bananas, the juice of a lemon and two full tables spoons of non processed sugar.

Eat that every day during strawberry season and you will feel great!

Did you know about the miraculous healing of the lemon? What else do you know about the lemon? Do tell…



32 thoughts on “The Lemon A Fruit With Miraculous Anti-Cancer Properties”

  1. Good thing I like lemons! I was always one of those weird kids that liked to eat the lemon right off the rind. I don’t like to be alarmist and conspiratorial but I do believe that there is tremendous healing power in foods that many powerful industries would rather keep off the table. How can they sell you expensive drugs if health is only a lemon away? I try to be mindful of what I eat and when I do get sick (granted, not “cancer sick” but colds, flus, general run-of-the-mill stuff) I always turn to non-pharmaceutical options first. I think there is place for things like antibiotics but I also think they are completely overused and over-prescribed, to our detriment.

    And although I am not a banana lover, I could totally get behind some fresh strawberry salad with lemon! mmmm
    Carol Lynn invites you to read..How Video Animation Can Enhance Your Marketing By Helping You Say More With LessMy Profile

    1. Hi Carol,

      Yes, like you I do think that some kinds of medicines are needed such as antibiotics and others as well. However, some drugs are pure poison such as antidepressants, for example. Most of them are very addictive. We better of eating lemons and other foods and plants which antidepressant qualities.

      I’m glad you do prefer natural medicine over drugs. All the best to you 🙂

      Thanks for coming, Carol and have a great week end.

  2. Sylviane,

    Ok I didn’t know the all powerful lemon could be so healthy. I love lemon stuff, mostly sweet stuff though. But there’s nothing better than well made lemonade.

    It does not surprise me at all that large corporations who benefit from the sell of pharm drugs would not be interested in healthy remedies. Sad to hear. It also makes you wonder when you hear that there are over 34,000 types of diseases today and most were discovered or created in the last 100 years.

    How did we ever get along for centuries with out all these drugs? Thinks that make you go hmmmm…

    Ken Pickard
    The Network Dad
    Ken Pickard invites you to read..Pinterest Traffic – Blog Roll StyleMy Profile

    1. Hi Ken,

      You are so right. While people may die older today because we’ve go vaccines and other medicines, there are new diseases today that were never heard of before. And while in this part of the world we have to reach for pain killers for a simple headache such things were dealt with using plants and other natural medicines.

      Thanks for coming by, Ken, and have a great week end.

    1. Hi Sonia,

      Ahaha! Lemon is just a wonderful fruit that does a whole lot 🙂

      Thanks for coming by this blog of mind. Really appreciated.

  3. Hi Sylviane,

    I eat lemons every day! Now that’s some good news that it’s a good cancer prevention. I knew about all the vitamins and that it’s an amazing fruit, and besides that it just tastes really good. Usually, I add it to everything I cook or prepare. Salads, soups, veggies, meats.. It gives the dish a special note and a freshness. So now I enjoy it even more!So glad you came by my blog otherwise I would have missed an awesome blogger 🙂

    Franziska San Pedro
    Flavor Designs

    1. Hi again Franziska,

      So glad we met today and visit each other’s online homes 🙂 I am so glad to see one more person who loves and eat lemon regularly. I love it too and eat lemon just about every day, and now I know how good this is for me 🙂

      Thanks for coming, again and see you soon!

  4. I am so happy you wrote about Lemons! It is such a powerful fruit that does cure many things. I remember my grandmother each morning as she rose would have a warm glass of water with a half of squeezed lemon in it. She taught us to always do this and we will never get sick. My mom told us it was an old wive’s tale, but certainly true!
    I use lemons in my salad, in my water all the time and love lemon rinds in all sorts of food.
    If I were to attribute the best things I do for my body it would be the incorporation of Lemons and Garlic every day.
    Thanks again
    Donna Merrill invites you to read..How To Leverage Your Blog ContentMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      I am so glad to hear that your grandmother knew about the benefits of lemon and passed it on to you. I eat lemon just about every day as well and I love the test of it. I’m sure it’s harder for people who might not like the test of lemon to consume some every day.

      Garlic is also an excellent natural medicine and cure. It’s a natural anti-coagulant (great against blood clots) and so many other things. I grew up in a household where garlic was in the menu every single day.

      I am so happy you know all that, Danna. Great for you smart lady!

  5. Here’s my problem Sylviane, I hate lemons. I can eat like lemon pie but I don’t even like lemon in my tea. I don’t like limes either. There are so many foods I don’t like unfortunately.

    So here’s a question for you. No where did it say how much you had to have each day because I’ve heard of a lot of different natural cures but you would have to eat so much of it daily that a normal person just couldn’t afford it. Would you happen to know the answer to this?

    Would love to send this information along to a few friends who are still fighting cancer now. I’m sure they’ll be asking the same thing though. How much do you need to take each day in order for this to be effective.

    Thanks for this information Sylviane. Hope you can find the answer for me.
    Adrienne invites you to read..When Life Gets In The WayMy Profile

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      The article that was sent to me did say how much, but I think that if you had to eat a case of lemon a day to cure cancer cells they wouldn’t even say that it’s a way of curing it.

      So, logically, I would think that if you drank the juice of let’s say 3-5 lemons a day in case you’re sick I am sure that it could make a difference. That would be a lot of lemon in your system.

      It’s too bad you don’t like lemon, Adrienne 🙂

  6. WHAT???
    I am so happy to read this. I LUUUUUV LEMONS.

    Since moving to Marseille there is a lot of moroccan stores and food around us. I noticed a lot of lemons soaked liquids being offered at the outdoor market. i asked the vendor and he said to use it during cooking and just throw it in the post to cook. I tried it and it was delicious. But now that i know the health benefits i’m even more motivated to add it into our diet.

    Do Limes have the same effect? I cook a lot of Thai food and i use lots of limes to make my meals. Please tell me they have the same effect..

    love these types of posts. keep them coming.
    Annie Andre invites you to read..Worlds Best Lover: Are The French The Hottest Lovers? Adventures In France #5My Profile

    1. Hi Annie,

      So, so glad we met!

      The article on which I based my post was in French and in France we call them all lemons yellow or green, We call lime (citron vert) so, my guess is that lime has the same properties as the lemon does. I would be surprised if it wasn’t the case, but I will see if I can find out.

  7. Hi Sylviane,

    I love lemon and lemon juice is what I’m always asking from my mom for drink. Honestly, I know it’s natural and doesn’t impose any risk to our health. But I’ve never known about this “miraculous healing of lemon” until I stop by here. Sometimes I feel boring when I read such articles, but thanks for making it so interesting to read. And really thanks for bring it in 🙂

    Have a Great Day 🙂

    Mayura invites you to read..Schedule and Maximize the Impact of Your Tweets with TimelyMy Profile

    1. Hi Mayura,

      I’m so glad you came and enjoyed the post. If you consume lemons on a regular basis at your young age that should make a pretty healthy young man out of you.

      Thank for coming to my blog, I will hope over yours very soon 🙂

        1. Hey Mayura,

          Just posted a comment on your blog, but my avatar won’t show. Not sure why, but it’s me 🙂

  8. Hi Sylviane,

    All I know about lemons is that I am highly allergic to them and break out in massive hives. It’s unfortunate because there are so many uses for them, not only for healing but cleaning as well.

    Most citrus fruits do not agree with me, they have a lot of acid which gives me terrible heartburn. But with the lemons, I cannot even touch one or I have problems, at least with oranges and grapefruit I can touch and eat them without a problem. I am not sure about limes – afraid to try

    And strawberries are also acidic but love them…I just have to only eat one or two or use them in a pie or something.

    Anyway, I never knew about using them to prevent cancer, it’s always great to hear about all natural ways to help prevent or cure cancer.

    Have a wonderful day!
    Linda invites you to read..How to Block Your IP from Google AnalyticsMy Profile

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you so much for coming here. I’m so sorry about the lemon being so mean to you 🙁 But, I’ve heard that before, some people are allergic to lemon sometimes.

      This is actually the first post of a series in a way, because I will write about other foods that have medicinal benefits.

  9. Sylviane, love lemons and strawberries. I did not know that lemons had all these great properties. Also if you use eggplant and white vinegar and let it marinate for ten days it is very good for skin cancer. I will spread this good news to my friends. Thank you so much.

    1. Hello Michael,

      You have a beautiful French looking last name 🙂

      Thank you for coming and leaving a comment and thank you so much for your tip. I absolutely love health tips, since I totally hate drugs.

      Have a great week end, Michael.

  10. I have read in one or two articles that there is something in the skin and rind of lemons, called d-limonene, that fights cancer–so you should eat the whole lemon, not just drink the juice.

    1. Hi vmv,

      Great feedbacks, thanks for the info. Hope to see you again here 🙂

  11. yes i agree, its bettr to have this on our daily meals, its very good to our recipes and in addition for the benefits we can get on… thanks for sharing this post.

    1. Hi Melanie,

      Not sure how much exactly, but I assume that if you consume one lemon a day it’s good.

  12. I just use lemon for my face and I also mix it with honey every time I have a cough and it’s effective. I guess I need to use it often as I could for some health benefits.

  13. Really Enjoy this article most especially the video part.. hope to check by later

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