How to Take Your Role as a Manager Seriously

How to take your role as manager seriously

How to take your role as manager seriously

Managing a team of your own is the best mark of authority. You’ve come a long way, from the day you started in business to the foundation of your own company, and now you’re the one totally in charge. It’s a long journey filled with challenges, and you’ve aced every single one so far. 

However, becoming a manager for the first time is no easy feat. It’s a position you need to constantly evolve in and take seriously. Most adults have a sense of their own initiative, but you’ve still got to be the one at the helm. Don’t let your organization down; here are some tips for those new to managerial duties. 


You Need to Be Approachable

If you’re not approachable, no one is going to talk to you! Simple as. So make sure you’ve got a good ‘open door’ policy and you’re willing to smile and make conversation. You need to hold yourself professionally, but you shouldn’t shut yourself away. Managers can walk into the break room and talk, just try to do it right.  


Don’t Let Your Rules Be Overstepped

You’re not a pushover, no matter how much you want to be liked. Make sure this is a prominent rule in your mind. You’ve got rules, regulations, and boundaries to set, and these are to be broken as rarely as possible. 

It’s why tech is a good thing to incorporate into your management role. Platforms like timecard software automate a lot of the annoying admin out of the way and allow you to focus on what actually matters, such as fostering employee development. In the meantime, you’ve set the rules and are actively enforcing them without constantly needing to be on an employee’s tail. If You’re Wrong, Say So.

It’s easy to think you should never capitulate in front of your team. However, a good manager knows when to admit they’re in the wrong. Not only does it remind your employees that you’re human too, but it’s a good sign you’ve got a sense of responsibility. 

For a manager, that’s gold dust. It helps to breed loyalty in the workplace. So, if you’ve made a mistake, own up. Make sure your team members know you’re willing to hold your hands up and take part when something goes wrong.


Don’t Expect Too Much

Expecting everything and giving nothing in return is common in the world of work. It’s something managers can be guilty of quite a lot. Everyone needs to pitch in, of course, but you shouldn’t ask for more than you’re also willing to give. If you’re a hard worker, your team will be too. If not, you should consider your own standards before anyone else. 

You’d be surprised how many managers in the world refuse to take their job seriously. Don’t be one of them. You need to prove you’re capable of adapting to running a team, and you need to do so ASAP. Keep these tips in mind to help.