The Benefits Of Getting A Part-Time Job As A Mom

benefits of a part time job for mom

benefits of a part time job for mom

As many of you will be aware, being a stay-at-home mom has plenty of benefits. It gives you more time to bond with your child and ensures you are always there for them. This could also be a good decision for you at this time in your life – you may not want to deal with the added stress of going to work. 

On the other hand, some moms feel the urge to start working again. They don’t like the idea of being a permanent stay-at-home mom and want to get a job. Maybe a full-time job is a bit unrealistic or too much of a jump for you at the moment, but how about a part-time one? 

By all means, you don’t have to work at all – you might be perfectly comfortable staying at home. But, for those of you considering this, here are some of the benefits of getting a part-time job as a mother: 


More money for your family

The clear benefit is that you can earn more money for your family. If your partner works full-time and you have a part-time gig, you have dual income sources supporting everyone. It means you can live with a bit more freedom, or you’re able to save for things a lot faster. Perhaps you’re trying to afford your first house as a family; a part-time job can get you across the line much quicker than if only one person worked.


Still have plenty of time to be a mom

A part-time job is excellent for moms because it still gives you plenty of time to be a parent. Instead of going for a full-time career, you can decide when you want to work. You may only work a couple of days per week, or you could work in the mornings and have your afternoons free. 

There are lots of ways to approach part-time work that can be advantageous for mothers. If you want to spend time with your kids and fear being away from them for so long, this is a great compromise. You receive the added financial help of another job without sacrificing too much family time


You can pursue your interests

As a mother, there are few things worse than feeling like you’re holding back. You love being a stay-at-home mom, but it sometimes feels like you’re not reaching your potential. There are so many things you’re interested in, yet you can’t pursue them. 

Getting a part-time job lets you follow these interests. If you take the Strong Campbell Interest Inventory test, it will let you see what careers match your interests or hobbies. In turn, you can pursue jobs that interest you, ones that you’ll be passionate about. It gives you an opportunity to be a great mom while also looking after yourself and ensuring you aren’t holding yourself back. 


Improve your mental health

This isn’t true of all moms, but a large percentage will struggle with mental health issues as a result of staying at home all the time. Primarily, you’re worried that being a mom is your only purpose in life. It ends up being what defines you, so you lose a sense of who you truly are. Not to mention that being at home all the time can become very boring – life starts feeling unfulfilling, particularly when your kids start going to nursery or school. 

Having a little part-time job can add more fulfillment to your life. It gives you something else to focus on, so you aren’t caught up in your head all the time. You regain more of your self-worth because you’re working hard, your skills are being recognized, and you don’t feel like motherhood is all that defines you. As such, your mental health can improve dramatically.


Raise independent kids

A working mom can’t always be there for her kids. While this sounds upsetting, it can be beneficial for their development. There’s a danger that you mollycoddle your kids too much when you’re a stay-at-home mom. They grow up knowing that you’ll always be there to do things for them. 

Consequently, as they get older and develop, they don’t lose this sense of dependence. They still turn to you for everything. If you spend some time away working, your kids have to learn to be a bit more independent. It teaches them that mommy can’t always do every tiny thing for them, so they grow up being able to look after themselves when necessary. 

Getting a part-time job can have lots of benefits for some moms. It might not be right for you at the moment, but if you’re ever debating going back to work, you’ve seen the advantages it can bring.