What Are The Benefits Of Personal Development?

benefits of personal development

advantage personal development

What attracts you to personal development and what are its benefits?

Is it that you are looking to make more money? Is it that you are looking for the perfect career? Is it that you are looking for the perfect relationship?  Is it that you are looking for your purpose in life? Is it that you are looking for the perfect peace of mind?  Is it that you are looking for more happiness?

My guess is that’s a little bit of everything.

Even though we still find individuals here and there making fun of personal development, I would bet that their life is not as great as it could be and in some cases can’t even compare with someone who has made personal development a daily practice.

As a matter of fact, just like eating, drinking and sleeping, personal development should be a daily practice to your own benefit.


Personal Development is a Way of Life


Personal development is not something you read about and let die.  Personal development needs to be understood, digested, and practiced on a daily basis.  If not, whatever you’ve just learned will die off like a plant without water.

Our brain needs to be fed with personal development material each every day for our mind to be health, like our stomach needs food each and every day in order for our body to be healthy.

You can’t tell your body,” well I given you food last week, can’t you be happy with that”? Well, you could, maybe.  The only thing is that eventually your body will show you how happy it is with that.

Even though our brain won’t show us such fast and drastic results when it’s not getting the right nutrition like our body does, when we are not feeding our brain with healthy and up-building material it shows up in the form of an unsatisfying life and serious lack of success in many area.

However, we won’t go there for now.  But just think about divorce, suicide, depression, and drug addiction rates and you’ll have an idea about why personal development is so needed.

I think it’s well worth it to invest some time in it, isn’t it?


UnhappinessWhat Personal Development will do for You

Personal development will greatly improve your growth and quality of life as an individual.  You will find out that life has more to it than meets the eye, and your perspective about things will change.

When I receive emails from potential clients asking me questions I usually tell them that without a personal development education we are subject to swallow a lot of other people’s point of views and overall BS, and that’s usually not a good thing.

For example, I heard once years ago, by a religious preacher, that if your life is too easy it means that you’re not doing enough for God, in your service to him.  It needs to be hard, you need to suffer a little to be sure that you’re doing the right things that you are pleasing to God.

As crazy as this sounds to me today, back then I was “convinced” by that preacher. I thought that it had to be true since that man had more “authority” in his field me.

This is just an example, but many people all over the world are easy prey into believing what they’re told because they don’t know any better.  The reason they don’t is because they have never tapped into personal development to discover who they really are, what their true purpose of life is.

In other words, they are starving their brain and mind and they’re consuming junk food instead of getting nourished with up-building information, and spending more time with people who are successful and happy and less time with people who want to make them feel miserable.

The more educated you become about personal development the less prey to others twisted ideas you will be.  You won’t only be happier, but you will also be an inspiration to people around you.

I remember about 10 years ago asking for help with my depression to one of the elders of my church.  Do you want to know the helpful response I got?  Maybe be you need medicine prescriptions.  Too bad for me I guess. NOT at all the kind of answer I expected.

I didn’t follow his bad advice.  And this was actually the beginning of my awakening that something was wrong there, and that I needed to look for answers somewhere else.  Thankfully, I did.


The Challenges of Being Positive and Upbeat

Dreams come trueWe live in a pretty pessimistic world where everything negative and bad is magnified by the media that tries to beat this up into our heads relentlessly.  That’s why CNN has been renamed by few personal development leaders as Constant Negative News.  Unfortunately, constant negative news sell and that’s why we are bombarded with it.

The already bad news is magnified and talked about again, again and again which is good business for them since by universal law of attraction it actually brings more bad news for the future.

It’s up to us to break loose from all that, and that’s when personal development can help us greatly.


What can you Gain from Personal Development?

Instead of giving you a list of things that personal development “could” do for you I think it would be better if I gave you the list of the things that personal development DID for me.

  • It eliminated my depression completely
  • It eliminated my anxiety to a great extent
  • It eliminated my need of approval by other people
  • It eliminated all the regrets that I was carrying around
  • It helped me to forgive people that I had resentements for
  • It gave me a sense of wholeness
  • It gave me a purpose in life
  • It gave me way more self-esteem
  • It gave me self-confidence
  • It helped me understand how valuable I am
  • It made me much stronger
  • It made me less sensitive to what people think of me or do to me
  • It helped me to remove doubts about my abilities
  • It made me more successful
  • It helped me attract more like-minded people into my life … and more

Personal development will set your mind free and guide you on the road to success.

Enjoy this short video with beautiful landscapes and quotation of my own.  If you like those I do some more in the future.


Your turn now. How did personal development help you?



Sylviane Nuccio

26 thoughts on “What Are The Benefits Of Personal Development?”

  1. Hello Sylviane

    What a wonderful article.
    Who needs personal development? We all do. Personal Development are strategies that help a person with their inner development. Personal development is working from the inside out.. All the areas you pointed out in what is gain from personal development are so true.
    I sometimes refer to Personal Development as Personal Growth, transformation from the inside and manifesting on the outside. Our metamorphosis has to take place within us first in order to help some one else.
    The area that I concentrate alot as a Life Coach is “character”. The Building Blocks of Life. We are universal beings with inherent greatness and power. We just need to believe it first.
    I love your article and the video is amazing. I enjoy writing quotes myself. They have become my anchor.
    You mentioned forgiveness… We need to learn to forgive ourselves “first” then we can forgive others. Forgiveness brings healing,which in turn brings freedom.
    Thank you again……..We are evolving into the person we are destined to be.
    Gladys posted…From Depression to HOPE
    One of my favorite quotes is “Change is inevitable. Growth is Intentional”. ~Glend Cloud~
    Gladys invites you to read..A Perfect Pathway To Connect To GodMy Profile

    1. Hi Gladys,

      Thank you so much for this great comment of yours and I know that you know all about personal development yourself.

      I don’t know what I would do without personal growth, it really saved my life in so, so many ways, and I’ll explain all those ways in my upcoming personal development book.

      Thank you for coming and sharing this with us, Gladys 🙂
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  2. Lovely post Sylviane!

    That surely was a beautiful video with the perfect quotes and landscapes – keep them coming 🙂

    Oh yes…personal development isn’t just a word we read and keep away and it has no meaning till it’s not put into practice, which happens only once we open ourselves to allow that personal growth to take place within us. I guess there’s a time for everything as they say, so those who might not be focused on making an effort to evolve and get better – will eventually come on this path, they usually do in most cases. While there are others who seem already so evolved and have worked on their personal selves that you can almost see light radiate through them.

    I loved your list of how personal development has helped you and I could see many things similar with me too. I agree about the forgiveness part, and when we forgive ourselves, we lighten ourselves from the baggage we carry – which makes us only feel better.

    Thanks for sharing, and have a nice day ahead 🙂
    Harleena Singh invites you to read..14 Ways to Take Care of Elderly PeopleMy Profile

    1. Hi Harleena,

      I’m glad you liked the video. It was a bit short, because those things take time to put together, but next one will be longer and better, as I learned from the first one.

      Still lots of people out there have no ideas about the real meaning of personal development, so I thought that I would clarify things out a bit for them, and explain what it did for me.

      I’m glad that personal development has help you too 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  3. I agree with Gladys, wonderful post.

    I don’t know where I’d be right now without personal development Sylviane. I mean I’ve always known a higher power is in charge of things and I practiced personal development without understanding everything about it. But had I not dove into it more I wouldn’t be where I am now and that to me would be a tragedy.

    I have learned so much about life and me in general. I know that I’m a much better person for it and we can never stop learning. We’ll always continue to evolve and learn new things about ourselves and life.

    It’s all about helping others and it’s so rewarding.

    I’m so glad you shared with us how it’s helped you Sylviane because that’s a testament to how powerful it can be in our lives. Everyone is involved in it whether they’re aware of it or not. I say let’s be more aware and we can all be much better people.

    Adrienne invites you to read..You Can Write But Can You BlogMy Profile

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Boy, I know what you mean. Without personal development I don’t know where I would be either, but not in a good place, I’m sure. I think tragedy is a good word as a matter of fact. Wow, lucky us, hum?

      Personal development, changed my life!

      Thanks for coming here Adrienne and have a good rest of the week.
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  4. Thank you Sylviane for a beautiful article!

    We all need personal development! I always wonder why it is not taught in grade school. I think it is inherent within us all to grow. As young children that can be suppressed by parents, teachers, or even other children. I do believe this because as a young child I would reach out and try to grow by reading.

    During my adult life, I’m on a never ending journey of personal development. To me it is the most important thing one can do. As growing humans, we are changing all the time. We need to keep up with those changes. So we need to understand how to handle them the best way we possibly can.

    Personal Development is an ongoing journey in my opinion. There is always going to be a bump in the road, and we need to handle it the best we can. This is why we need to keep a check on our emotions, thinking patterns, and so on.

    It makes me wonder sometimes how people can keep up their cars more than themselves lol.

    Thanks again Sylviane for teaching people how important it is because the end result is happiness.

    Donna Merrill invites you to read..Plan Your DayMy Profile

    1. Hi Donna,

      Like you when I was a child since I was so miserable in school because of some serious bullying issues I was escaping in reading and writing.

      Yes, personal development and personal growth in an ongoing journey. We never stop growing and studying. That’s the only way we are going to keep on growing, and not dying mentally and spiritually.

      Thank you for coming and sharing your experience.
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  5. Yes we all need Personal Development. I know we struggle with being positive and update because society makes it hard. Every where we turn there is ‘something’ and if we do not live in a certain mindset, it is a constant battle. Thanks for the information. I know as a personal life coach you see much and it is wonderful that you can help us with this.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Barbara Charles invites you to read..To Blog Or Not To BlogMy Profile

    1. Hi Barbara,

      That’s right, it’s sad to say, but if we don’t keep our mind set on the up beat of thing it is a struggle, and a battle. You’re so right.

      What people don’t realize is that if we don’t try to get that crap out of our minds it can bring on mental diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer. Interestingly, the doctor who first diagnosed my mother told us that, himself. .

      So, you bet I try to keep things on the bright side.

  6. Sylviane,
    I really like this article because I think it’s so important to implement self improvement as you stated. I’ve been listening to self improvement audio in my car for several years now. By the time I got to my office, I was emotionally prepared to face the day filled with miserable, back stabbing, cranky people. I walked in with a smile and didn’t get sucked into their drama. Had I not been listening to those cd’s, I would have become one of those people. Thank you for sharing.
    Warmest regards,
    Lisa Magoulas invites you to read..Dairy Free Clam ChowderMy Profile

    1. Hi lisa,

      I had to nod in agreement when I was reading this. Unfortunately I so know what you mean by working with mean back stabbing people, and like you I listen to personal development CD’s every day.

      Brian Tracy, self made millionaire, says that people who do this, are improving their success potential by at least 50% even if it was all they did.

      Thanks for your input.
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  7. Hello Sylviane,
    what a great post about personal development. i love the way you made that list of what personal development has done for you.
    Personal development has truly helped me in ways i cannot describe. As Gladys said; we all need personal development 🙂
    by the way i truly did enjoyed that video… Thanks 😉
    babanature invites you to read..How To Create A Self Hosted CDN For W3 TOTAL CACHEMy Profile

  8. Very thought provoking article, Sylvianne. As I was reading, it occurred to me that it’s not really a matter of IF we do personal development, but rather the KIND of personal development we focus on. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are “developing” ourselves each and every day, simply through living. In what direction are we developing, though? Are we developing in new and positive ways and growing toward a better and more rewarding future, or are we developing into someone who is totally content with our station in life and who has lost any sense of drive? Food for thought.

    1. Hi Steve,

      Yes, of course, we “evolve” whether we want it or not in a way. Obviously the personal development that I’m talking about is the one that goes in the positive way.

      Thanks for coming and your thought provoking feedback.

  9. personality developments helps one in making things better in such a way that overall development will be taken care of provided we have the right positive attitude that we need to carry always to maintain the levels of development.

    1. Yes, personal development will help us growing with a positive attitude.

      Thanks for your input.

  10. Hi Sylviane,

    That’s a great post!

    Yes, Personal Development is very important and it is true, that it is very important to implement it not just to study it.

    Reading the list you mentioned and what it has done for you, it is really amazing. You are a living proof. I love to study personal development but I am also new to it. The key is to apply its principles

    Thanks Sylviane for such a great reminder.

    Be Blessed,

    Neamat Tawadrous invites you to read..10 Tips For Effective Social Networking to Build Your BusinessMy Profile

    1. Hi Neamat,

      It seems that most people working online are somehow led to personal development because it’s such a big part of their business, so even though you might be new at it, you will find lots of help to grow, you and your business by studying personal development materials.

      Thanks for coming.

  11. Hi Sylviane,

    Well done! Yes we need more of ’em with lovely background music, inspiring quotes and beautiful images 🙂 Keep more coming dear.

    Actually I’m so grateful for being exposed to meditation and good advices since my childhood Sylviane 🙂 That helps me a lot and there was a potential that I’d take the wrong pathway and suffer rest of my life. Lately I’ve been learning a lot about personal development materials visiting your blog here 🙂

    You know, I tend to question stuff even it’s originating from the culture or religion I follow. I have the freedom to question too 🙂 On that aspect I’m so much lucky not to be a person that enforced to believe something doesn’t makes sense.

    Personal development is not a just subject to talk about but applies to everything, no? 🙂 When I read about the life, few decades back, I can see how people start trying to fill up sense than soothing the invisible mind. Actually developed countries.

    Once I was amazed by seeing a couple of foreigners visiting one of our local temples and learning to meditate with the help of a monk.

    Now we are complicating our lives by ourselves and people are more attracted to personal development. Not all, but more than before 🙂

    Mayura invites you to read..3 Reasons to Use SlideShare to Promote Your BlogMy Profile

    1. Hi Mayura,

      I’m glad that you have an open mind and are attracted to personal development materials.

      It’s great that you were introduced to meditation early in life, I can’t say that that was my case.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the video, and I make for of them!
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..What Are The Advantages Of Personal Development?My Profile

  12. Hi Sylviane

    Personal development has been a passion of mine for decades. I read everything I could get my hands on at the time. It was a way of trying to make sense of the hurt I was feeling at the hands of others as I was growing up. I am studying psychology classes now online and it has been pretty enlightening.

    As for the negatives on the news, I think maybe I take a little different perspective of it. I see and hear bad things and it makes me grateful for what I have and what I don’t have to go through. It is also good to be informed to be aware of dangers, etc. But too much negative news can be down right depressing so I limit it. Will not watch violent TV shows either, it just breeds more violence and fear within some.

    Lots of wonderful information.


    1. Hi Mary,

      People who have suffered in one way or another in their early years tend to be attracted by personal development, and that’s a wonderful thing. It was the same thing for me.

      Whatching a bit of the news to be inform is OK, but watching it too much affects the subconscious mind whether we want it or not, so the more we limit our time glued to the bad news the better, ultimately.

      Thanks you for your valuable input, Mary 🙂
      Sylviane Nuccio invites you to read..How To Use Your Natural Senses To Attract What You Want In Your LifeMy Profile

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